RealEscort Denmark

Welcome to RealEscort, the leading platform in Denmark for escort and massage services. is an advertiser platform featuring escort and massage services offered by Girls, Boys, Gays, Tv-Ts, Duos, Couples and Clinics all based in Denmark.

Picture: Uploading, editing, rotating, cropping, and blurring faces.

Assistance with Image Upload, Editing, Rotation, Cropping, and Face Blurring

Here's a comprehensive guide on how to upload, edit, and prepare your images for your ad before submitting them for approval. If you find the text and image guide challenging to understand, refer to the video guides located at the end of this page.

Step 1: Image Upload

You can select multiple images by drawing a box around them or by pressing and holding the CTRL key on your keyboard while clicking on new images on your computer.

Step 2: Picture Editing
(Skip to step 3 if you don't need to edit, crop, blur face, or rotate your picture)
Rotation: Click the rotate button either to the left or right.
Blurring: Choose the portion of the image you want to blur, then click the Blur button.
Cropping: Choose the portion of the image you want to crop, then click the Crop button.
Once done, click save and return to the image list.

Step 3: Submit for Approval

Step 4: Additional Features
You can rearrange the order of your pictures; the first picture will be your primary ad picture. Check the Active images tab. Click and hold the image, then drag it to the desired position (similar to Facebook).

Video Guides:

Uploading pictures to your ad
FAQ - How to upload images V2

Editing your pictures (rotation, cropping, face blurring)
FAQ - How to edit images V2

Changing the order of pictures
FAQ - How to change order of pictures V2