RealEscort Denmark

Welcome to RealEscort, the leading platform in Denmark for escort and massage services. is an advertiser platform featuring escort and massage services offered by Girls, Boys, Gays, Tv-Ts, Duos, Couples and Clinics all based in Denmark.

Payment: Bank or Wire Transfer (Why hasn't my order been approved yet?)

Greetings, it appears you've reached out to us with a query regarding your Wire Transfer/Bank Transfer payment.
You're wondering why your order hasn't been approved? We've provided some answers below.

Please refer to the information provided below:

You've chosen to pay via this method, and it's crucial to understand that unless your bank offers real-time, express, or instant transfer options, this process is typically not immediate.

Did you remember to include the reference/message "Order XXXX" in your transfer?
If you forgot to do this, please inform us immediately so we can start searching for it.


"Has it been 1-2 bank business days (Monday-Friday, excluding holidays)?"
And your order still hasn't been approved? If this is the case, please follow the instructions below.

To assist you further, we need the following three pieces of information from you:
(xxxx = your order number)

Could you please provide the order number you're referring to?
(Please write it in text)

How much money did you transfer to us EXACTLY?
(Please write it in text)

Could you please upload a photo of your bank transfer? This should clearly show your name, the transferred amount, and Order #XXXXX. Ensure that this image is taken from your bank's website or mobile app, not from our website.

Once we have this information, we can review your case again to ensure everything is in order.
If we need to investigate further, your support ticket will be assigned to an admin. Only admins have direct access to bank accounts, so please be aware that this may take some time.

We hope this message has been informative and helpful to you.